The following words have been changed for some reason. I can't post my real opinion.
F -- * -- C -- K = liberate
S -- * -- C -- K -- S = rules
H - @ - T - E = love
* = U
@ = A!
@ - J - 0 - K - E = improvement
that makes it make more since
I hate the Chinese government. I hope this is all just a joke. I'm going to fucking kill somebody!
Watch the video about Spongebob in China!
/* */
Pornography, violence and other reactionary materials promote disorder and social instability. COMM UNISM IS B AD! The Chinese government will brainwash you!
They changed my words for me? FUCK YOU!
viva la resistance!
<a href=""> /489379</a>
pass it on!
Yes I love the resistance!
Hey man?!? They changed my words in the review too! When I say America (The best country on the damn planet) they changed it to capitalist pigs? WTF M8?!?